Changeset - 0818c337d503
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Bart Scheers - 7 years ago 2017-07-04 22:33:46
Add blog post url
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Running LSST baseline queries in MonetDB

See blog post ... for further details.
See blog post 
`LSST Queries in MonetDB <>`_ 
for further details.

You need to have several LSST csv files (with artificial data), 
which can be requested from the LSST DM team.

Run the installation script ````, 
start the daemon and create a database instance.


The python load script ```` defines the 
database schema with table and partition defintions
and loads the csv files into the database.

Running queries

Two shell scripts run the queries in a hot and cold mode
```` and ````, resp.
The averages and standard deviations
of ten runs are reported in the log files

Plotting results

Use the python script ```` to plot a bar chart 
of the results in comparison with the S15 MySQL results.

More info

For more info send an e-mail to bscheers at

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