Changeset - 64645fa186a6
[Not reviewed]
0 1 1
Hannes Muehleisen - 9 years ago 2015-11-11 12:42:05
2 files changed with 10 insertions and 1 deletions:
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@@ -13,13 +13,13 @@ theme(axis.title.y=element_text(vjust=0.9),
  legend.position = "none")

dd <- read.table("results.csv", sep="\t", header=F)
names(dd) <- c("sys", "dataset", "nrows", "loadtime", "querytime", "readtime")
ddm <- melt(dd[c(1,2,4,5,6)], id.vars=c("sys","dataset"))
ddm$sys <- factor(ddm$sys, c("MonetDBLite", "MonetDB", "SQLite"))
ddm$sys <- factor(ddm$sys, c("MonetDBLite", "MonetDB.R", "SQLite"))


xlf <- function(value) ifelse(value == 0, "DNF", ifelse(value < 10, 
  paste0(round(value, 1), "s"), paste0(round(value), "s")))

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new file 100644
MonetDBLite	3	6e+06	141.831	0.722999999999985	1.52099999999999
MonetDBLite	4	6e+07	714.326	6.39800000000002	16.965
MonetDBLite	f	128818169	1607.308	12.6200000000003	94.239
SQLite	3	6e+06	178.753	1.91299999999998	7.589
SQLite	4	6e+07	1495.957	22.6349999999998	186.519
SQLite	f	128818169	7775.972	64.3700000000008	1297.245
MonetDB.R	3	6e+06	170.935999999998	1.01800000000003	78.7580000000016
MonetDB.R	4	6e+07	655.153	7.90800000000002	0
MonetDB.R	f	128818169	1543.734	16.3029999999999	0
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