Changeset - 8bf3b2c41088
[Not reviewed]
0 11 0
Hannes Muehleisen - 10 years ago 2015-06-24 10:13:47
updates with fixed renjin version
11 files changed with 345 insertions and 290 deletions:
0 comments (0 inline, 0 general)
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for (s in 5:sm) {
	a <- runif(10^s, 1, 100)
	for (r in 1:5) {
		timing <- system.time({
			b <- a ^ 1 * 1 + 0
		log.result("identity", sys, conf, s, r, timing)
\ No newline at end of file
Show inline comments
binary diff not shown
Show inline comments
#!R -f

all <- read.csv("results.tsv",sep="\t",header=F, stringsAsFactors=F)
names(all) <- c("exp", "sys", "conf", "s", "r", "timesec")

ybreaks <- c(.01,.1,1,10,60,600)
ylabels <- c("10ms","100ms","1s", "10s","1min", "10min")

xbreaks <- 10^(5:9)
xlabels <- c(expression(10^5),expression(10^6),expression(10^7),expression(10^8),expression(10^9))

theme <- theme_few(base_size = 24) + 
	legend.position = "none"


se <- function(x) sqrt(var(x)/length(x))






# parallel


d <- all %>% filter(exp=="parallel", s  == 8) %>% group_by(exp, sys, conf) %>% 
	summarize(meant=mean(timesec), se=se(timesec)) %>% 
	mutate(threads=ifelse(conf=="none", 1L, as.integer(conf))) %>% mutate(tool=paste(sys,threads)) %>% filter(threads < 32)



limits <- aes(ymax = meant + se, ymin=meant - se, width=2)

p <- ggplot(d,aes(threads,meant,group=sys)) + 
  geom_point(size=4) + geom_line(size=1.5, aes(group=sys, linetype=sys)) +
  geom_pointrange(limits) +
  scale_y_continuous(limits=c(0,NA)) +
   scale_x_continuous(breaks=unique(d$threads)) +
 geom_vline(xintercept = 10) +
	xlab("Number of Threads") + ylab("Execution Time (s)") + theme +
		annotate("text", x=13.1, y=1.5, label="Problem parallelism", family="serif", size=10) +

	annotate("text", x=2, y=0.4, label="Laptop", family="serif", size=10)+
	annotate("text", x=3, y=1, label="Server", family="serif", size=10)



# f <- d %>% group_by(exp, sys, s) %>% summarize(maxmt=max(meant))

# d <- d %>% left_join(f) %>% mutate(speedup = maxmt/meant) %>% select(s,threads,speedup)


# print(d)

# pdf("speedup.pdf",width=10,height=7)
# p <- ggplot(d,aes(threads,speedup,group=s)) + 
#   geom_point(size=4) + geom_line(size=1.5, aes(group=s, linetype=sys)) +
#   scale_y_continuous(limits=c(0,NA)) +
#    scale_x_continuous(breaks=unique(d$threads)) +
# 	xlab("Number of Threads") + ylab("Speedup") + theme #+
# #	annotate("text", x=10, y=6, label="Problem parallelism", family="serif", size=10) #+
# 	# annotate("text", x=3.5, y=20, label="Renjin ", family="serif", size=10)

# print(p)


# recycling
d <- all %>% filter(exp=="recycling", s > 5) %>% group_by(exp, sys, s, conf) %>% 
	summarize(meant=mean(timesec), se=se(timesec)) %>% 
	mutate(datasize=10^as.integer(s), tool=paste(sys, conf))


limits <- aes(ymax = meant + se, ymin=meant - se, width=2)

p <- ggplot(d,aes(datasize,meant,group=tool)) + 
  geom_point(size=4) + geom_line(size=1.5, aes(group=tool, linetype=tool)) +
  geom_pointrange(limits) +
#  scale_y_log10(breaks=ybreaks, labels=ylabels) +
    scale_x_log10(breaks=xbreaks, labels=xlabels) +

	xlab("Dataset Size (elements, log scale)") + ylab("Execution Time (s)") + theme +
	annotate("text", x=10^7.7, y=65, label="Renjin", family="serif", size=10)+
	annotate("text", x=10^7.7, y=2, label="Renjin + R.", family="serif", size=10)+
	annotate("text", x=10^7.8, y=21, label="GNU R", family="serif", size=10)



# survey
d <- all %>% filter(exp=="survey") %>% group_by(sys, s, conf) %>% 
	summarize(meant=mean(timesec), se=se(timesec)) %>% 
		datasize=sapply(s, switch, alabama=47512, california=1060060, acs3yr=9093077)) %>% 
	filter(tool == "Renjin jitopt" | sys != "Renjin")


limits <- aes(ymax = meant + se, ymin=meant - se, width=2)

ggplot(d,aes(datasize,meant,group=tool)) + 
  geom_point(size=4) + geom_line(size=1.5, aes(group=tool, linetype=tool)) +
  geom_pointrange(limits) +
  #scale_y_log10(breaks=ybreaks, labels=ylabels) +
    scale_x_log10(breaks=c(47512,1060060,9093077)) +

	xlab("Dataset Size (elements, log scale)") + ylab("Execution Time (s)") + theme +
	annotate("text", x=10^6.6, y=45, label="GNU R", family="serif", size=10)+
	annotate("text", x=10^6.4, y=100, label="sqlsurvey", family="serif", size=10)+
	annotate("text", x=10^6.8, y=15, label="Renjin", family="serif", size=10)

@@ -89,147 +142,96 @@ d <- all %>% filter(exp=="identity", s > 5) %>% group_by(exp, sys, conf, s) %>%

limits <- aes(ymax = meant + se, ymin=meant - se, width=2)

ggplot(d,aes(datasize,meant,group=tool)) + 
  geom_point(size=4) + geom_line(size=1.5, aes(group=tool, linetype=tool)) +
  geom_pointrange(limits) +
  #scale_y_log10(breaks=ybreaks, labels=ylabels) +
    scale_x_log10(breaks=xbreaks, labels=xlabels) +

	xlab("Dataset Size (elements, log scale)") + ylab("Execution Time (s)") + theme +
	annotate("text", x=60000000, y=4, label="GNU R", family="serif", size=10)+
	annotate("text", x=40000000, y=8.1, label="Renjin ", family="serif", size=10)+
	annotate("text", x=40000000, y=.6, label="Renjin + Identity", family="serif", size=10)

	#scale_color_brewer(palette=cBrwPl) +
 # guides(colour=guide_legend(keywidth=3.5))


# pushdown

d <- all %>% filter(exp=="pushdown", s > 4) %>% group_by(exp, sys, s) %>% 
	summarize(meant=mean(timesec), se=se(timesec)) %>% 
	mutate(tool=sys, datasize=10^as.integer(s))


limits <- aes(ymax = meant + se, ymin=meant - se, width=2)

p <- ggplot(d,aes(datasize,meant,group=tool)) + 
  geom_point(size=4) + geom_line(size=1.5, aes(group=tool, linetype=tool)) +
  geom_pointrange(limits) +
 # scale_y_log10(breaks=ybreaks, labels=ylabels) +
    scale_x_log10(breaks=xbreaks, labels=xlabels) +

	xlab("Dataset Size (elements, log scale)") + ylab("Execution Time (s)") + theme +
	annotate("text", x=10^7.5, y=5, label="GNU R", family="serif", size=10)+
	annotate("text", x=10^7.6, y=.4, label="Renjin ", family="serif", size=10)




# parallel


d <- all %>% filter(exp=="parallel", s  == 8) %>% group_by(exp, sys, conf, s) %>% 
	summarize(meant=mean(timesec), se=se(timesec)) %>% 
	mutate(datasize=10^as.integer(s), threads=ifelse(conf=="none", 1L, as.integer(conf))) %>% mutate(tool=paste(sys,threads))





limits <- aes(ymax = meant + se, ymin=meant - se, width=2)

p <- ggplot(d,aes(threads,meant,group=s)) + 
  geom_point(size=4) + geom_line(size=1.5, aes(group=s, linetype=sys)) +
  geom_pointrange(limits) +
  scale_y_continuous(limits=c(0,NA)) +
   scale_x_continuous(breaks=unique(d$threads)) +
 geom_vline(xintercept = 10) +
	xlab("Number of Threads") + ylab("Execution Time (s)") + theme +
		annotate("text", x=17, y=1.5, label="Problem parallelism", family="serif", size=10) #+

	# annotate("text", x=1.3, y=6, label="GNU R", family="serif", size=10)+
	# annotate("text", x=3.5, y=20, label="Renjin ", family="serif", size=10)



f <- d %>% group_by(exp, sys, s) %>% summarize(maxmt=max(meant))

d <- d %>% left_join(f) %>% mutate(speedup = maxmt/meant) %>% select(s,threads,speedup)



p <- ggplot(d,aes(threads,speedup,group=s)) + 
  geom_point(size=4) + geom_line(size=1.5, aes(group=s, linetype=sys)) +
  scale_y_continuous(limits=c(0,NA)) +
   scale_x_continuous(breaks=unique(d$threads)) +
	xlab("Number of Threads") + ylab("Speedup") + theme #+
#	annotate("text", x=10, y=6, label="Problem parallelism", family="serif", size=10) #+
	# annotate("text", x=3.5, y=20, label="Renjin ", family="serif", size=10)




# operators
d <- all %>% filter(exp=="operators", s > 5) %>% group_by(exp, sys, s, conf) %>% 
	summarize(meant=mean(timesec), se=se(timesec)) %>% 
	mutate(conf=ifelse(conf=="opt"," + Vectorization",""), tool=paste(sys,conf,sep=""), datasize=10^as.integer(s))


limits <- aes(ymax = meant + se, ymin=meant - se, width=2)

p <- ggplot(d,aes(datasize,meant,group=tool)) + 
  geom_point(size=4) + geom_line(size=1.5, aes(group=tool, linetype=tool)) +
  geom_pointrange(limits) +
   # scale_y_log10(breaks=ybreaks, labels=ylabels) +
    scale_x_log10(breaks=xbreaks, labels=xlabels, limits=c(NA, 10^8.1)) +

	xlab("Dataset Size (elements, log scale)") + ylab("Execution Time (log)") + theme +

	annotate("text", x=10^7.8, y=4, label="GNU R", family="serif", size=10)+
	annotate("text", x=40000000, y=19, label="Renjin ", family="serif", size=10)+
	annotate("text", x=10^7.95, y=14, label="Renjin + V.", family="serif", size=10)

	#annotate("text", x=700000, y=6, label="Renjin", family="serif", size=10)+
	#annotate("text", x=20000000, y=2, label="Renjin + Recycling", family="serif", size=10)




# # print some latex for the paper
# selection$timesec <- selection$timesec/1000
# selproj$timesec <- selproj$timesec/1000
# grouping$timesec <- grouping$timesec/1000
# joins$timesec <- joins$timesec/1000

# selection <- cast(selection,datasetn+oparg ~ tool)
# selproj <- cast(selproj,datasetn+oparg ~ tool)
# joins <- cast(joins,datasetn+oparg ~ tool)
# grouping <- cast(grouping,datasetn+opargn ~ tool)

# selection[1] <- ""
# print(xtable(selection),include.rownames=FALSE)

# selproj[1] <- ""
# print(xtable(selproj),include.rownames=FALSE)

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binary diff not shown
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s <- 7

dd <- function() {as.integer(runif(10^s, 1, 100))}
for (s in 6:sm) {
s <- sm
a <- list(dd(), dd(), dd(), dd(), dd(), dd(), dd(), dd(), dd(), dd())
attr(a, "row.names") <- 1:length(a[[1]])
	class(a) <- "data.frame"

for (r in 1:5) {
	timing <- system.time({
		m <- matrix(data=as.numeric(NA), ncol=1, nrow=ncol(a))
		for (i in 1:ncol(a)) {
			m[i,] <- mean(a[,i])
log.result("parallel", sys, conf, s, r, timing)
\ No newline at end of file
\ No newline at end of file
Show inline comments
binary diff not shown
Show inline comments
binary diff not shown
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binary diff not shown
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identity	GNU R	none	4	1	0.000999999999999973
identity	GNU R	none	4	2	0
identity	GNU R	none	4	3	0
identity	GNU R	none	4	4	0
identity	GNU R	none	4	5	0
identity	GNU R	none	5	1	0.005
identity	GNU R	none	5	2	0.004
identity	GNU R	none	5	3	0.00299999999999995
identity	GNU R	none	5	4	0.004
identity	GNU R	none	5	5	0.005
identity	GNU R	none	6	1	0.057
identity	GNU R	none	6	2	0.0579999999999999
identity	GNU R	none	6	3	0.032
identity	GNU R	none	6	4	0.033
identity	GNU R	none	6	5	0.033
identity	GNU R	none	7	1	0.381
identity	GNU R	none	7	2	0.389
identity	GNU R	none	7	3	0.345
identity	GNU R	none	7	4	0.34
identity	GNU R	none	7	5	0.335
identity	GNU R	none	8	1	3.815
identity	GNU R	none	8	2	3.851
identity	GNU R	none	8	3	3.897
identity	GNU R	none	8	4	4.011
identity	GNU R	none	8	5	3.891
identity	Renjin	noopt	4	1	0.045
identity	Renjin	noopt	4	2	0.005
identity	Renjin	noopt	4	3	0.005
identity	Renjin	noopt	4	4	0.005
identity	Renjin	noopt	4	5	0.006
identity	Renjin	noopt	5	1	0.016
identity	Renjin	noopt	5	2	0.015
identity	Renjin	noopt	5	3	0.013
identity	Renjin	noopt	5	4	0.013
identity	Renjin	noopt	5	5	0.014
identity	Renjin	noopt	6	1	0.104
identity	Renjin	noopt	6	2	0.096
identity	Renjin	noopt	6	3	0.098
identity	Renjin	noopt	6	4	0.096
identity	Renjin	noopt	6	5	0.095
identity	Renjin	noopt	7	1	0.983
identity	Renjin	noopt	7	2	0.951
identity	Renjin	noopt	7	3	1.036
identity	Renjin	noopt	7	4	0.944
identity	Renjin	noopt	7	5	0.999
identity	Renjin	noopt	8	1	9.442
identity	Renjin	noopt	8	2	9.717
identity	Renjin	noopt	8	3	9.846
identity	Renjin	noopt	8	4	9.089
identity	Renjin	noopt	8	5	9.823
identity	Renjin	opt	4	1	0.07
identity	Renjin	opt	4	2	0.007
identity	Renjin	opt	4	3	0.008
identity	Renjin	opt	4	4	0.004
identity	Renjin	opt	4	5	0.005
identity	Renjin	opt	5	1	0.005
identity	Renjin	opt	5	2	0.003
identity	Renjin	opt	5	3	0.006
identity	Renjin	opt	5	4	0.003
identity	Renjin	opt	5	5	0.003
identity	Renjin	opt	6	1	0.004
identity	Renjin	opt	6	2	0.009
identity	Renjin	opt	6	3	0.004
identity	Renjin	opt	6	4	0.004
identity	Renjin	opt	6	5	0.005
identity	Renjin	opt	7	1	0.02
identity	Renjin	opt	7	2	0.015
identity	Renjin	opt	7	3	0.016
identity	Renjin	opt	7	4	0.018
identity	Renjin	opt	7	5	0.023
identity	Renjin	opt	8	1	0.157
identity	Renjin	opt	8	2	0.115
identity	Renjin	opt	8	3	0.116
identity	Renjin	opt	8	4	0.122
identity	Renjin	opt	8	5	0.112
pushdown	GNU R	none	4	1	0.001
pushdown	GNU R	none	4	2	0
pushdown	GNU R	none	4	3	0.001
pushdown	GNU R	none	4	4	0
pushdown	GNU R	none	4	5	0
pushdown	GNU R	none	5	1	0.00600000000000001
pushdown	GNU R	none	5	2	0.00600000000000001
pushdown	GNU R	none	5	3	0.00600000000000001
pushdown	GNU R	none	5	4	0.00600000000000001
pushdown	GNU R	none	5	5	0.005
pushdown	GNU R	none	6	1	0.079
pushdown	GNU R	none	6	2	0.055
pushdown	GNU R	none	6	3	0.0610000000000001
pushdown	GNU R	none	6	4	0.074
pushdown	GNU R	none	6	5	0.134
pushdown	GNU R	none	7	1	0.674
pushdown	GNU R	none	7	2	0.798
pushdown	GNU R	none	7	3	0.734
pushdown	GNU R	none	7	4	0.564
pushdown	GNU R	none	7	5	0.598
pushdown	GNU R	none	8	1	5.723
pushdown	GNU R	none	8	2	5.611
pushdown	GNU R	none	8	3	5.872
pushdown	GNU R	none	8	4	5.55
pushdown	GNU R	none	8	5	6.105
pushdown	Renjin	none	4	1	0.052
pushdown	Renjin	none	4	2	0.002
pushdown	Renjin	none	4	3	0.002
pushdown	Renjin	none	4	4	0.004
pushdown	Renjin	none	4	5	0.002
pushdown	Renjin	none	5	1	0.001
pushdown	Renjin	none	5	2	0.001
pushdown	Renjin	none	5	3	0.001
pushdown	Renjin	none	5	4	0
pushdown	Renjin	none	5	5	0.001
pushdown	Renjin	none	6	1	0.001
pushdown	Renjin	none	6	2	0.001
pushdown	Renjin	none	6	3	0.001
pushdown	Renjin	none	6	4	0.001
pushdown	Renjin	none	6	5	0.001
pushdown	Renjin	none	7	1	0.002
pushdown	Renjin	none	7	2	0.001
pushdown	Renjin	none	7	3	0
pushdown	Renjin	none	7	4	0.001
pushdown	Renjin	none	7	5	0.001
pushdown	Renjin	none	8	1	0.001
pushdown	Renjin	none	8	2	0
pushdown	Renjin	none	8	3	0.001
pushdown	Renjin	none	8	4	0.002
pushdown	Renjin	none	8	5	0.001

parallel	Renjin	1	6	1	0.128
parallel	Renjin	1	6	2	0.041
parallel	Renjin	1	6	3	0.037
parallel	Renjin	1	6	4	0.036
parallel	Renjin	1	6	5	0.05
parallel	Renjin	1	7	1	0.208
parallel	Renjin	1	7	2	0.188
parallel	Renjin	1	7	3	0.211
parallel	Renjin	1	7	4	0.185
parallel	Renjin	1	7	5	0.203
parallel	Renjin	1	8	1	1.267
parallel	Renjin	1	8	2	1.262
parallel	Renjin	1	8	3	1.301
parallel	Renjin	1	8	4	1.924
parallel	Renjin	1	8	5	2.102
parallel	Renjin	2	6	1	0.139
parallel	Renjin	2	6	2	0.037
parallel	Renjin	2	6	3	0.037
parallel	Renjin	2	6	4	0.032
parallel	Renjin	2	6	5	0.029
parallel	Renjin	2	7	1	0.116
parallel	Renjin	2	7	2	0.104
parallel	Renjin	2	7	3	0.13
parallel	Renjin	2	7	4	0.106
parallel	Renjin	2	7	5	0.118
parallel	Renjin	2	8	1	0.662
parallel	Renjin	2	8	2	0.865
parallel	Renjin	2	8	3	0.686
parallel	Renjin	2	8	4	0.758
parallel	Renjin	2	8	5	0.734
parallel	Renjin	4	6	1	0.142
parallel	Renjin	4	6	2	0.034
parallel	Renjin	4	6	3	0.057
parallel	Renjin	4	6	4	0.035
parallel	Renjin	4	6	5	0.026
parallel	Renjin	4	7	1	0.072
parallel	Renjin	4	7	2	0.07
parallel	Renjin	4	7	3	0.079
parallel	Renjin	4	7	4	0.071
parallel	Renjin	4	7	5	0.07
parallel	Renjin	4	8	1	0.398
parallel	Renjin	4	8	2	0.39
parallel	Renjin	4	8	3	0.396
parallel	Renjin	4	8	4	0.438
parallel	Renjin	4	8	5	0.387
parallel	Renjin	8	6	1	0.113
parallel	Renjin	8	6	2	0.03
parallel	Renjin	8	6	3	0.029
parallel	Renjin	8	6	4	0.025
parallel	Renjin	8	6	5	0.026
parallel	Renjin	8	7	1	0.064
parallel	Renjin	8	7	2	0.054
parallel	Renjin	8	7	3	0.059
parallel	Renjin	8	7	4	0.057
parallel	Renjin	8	7	5	0.056
parallel	Renjin	8	8	1	0.308
parallel	Renjin	8	8	2	0.281
parallel	Renjin	8	8	3	0.331
parallel	Renjin	8	8	4	0.285
parallel	Renjin	8	8	5	0.268
parallel	Renjin	16	6	1	0.135
parallel	Renjin	16	6	2	0.03
parallel	Renjin	16	6	3	0.03
parallel	Renjin	16	6	4	0.025
parallel	Renjin	16	6	5	0.023
parallel	Renjin	16	7	1	0.041
parallel	Renjin	16	7	2	0.045
parallel	Renjin	16	7	3	0.041
parallel	Renjin	16	7	4	0.049
parallel	Renjin	16	7	5	0.04
parallel	Renjin	16	8	1	0.409
parallel	Renjin	16	8	2	0.189
parallel	Renjin	16	8	3	0.17
parallel	Renjin	16	8	4	0.19
parallel	Renjin	16	8	5	0.185
parallel	Renjin	32	6	1	0.129
parallel	Renjin	32	6	2	0.03
parallel	Renjin	32	6	3	0.029
parallel	Renjin	32	6	4	0.025
parallel	Renjin	32	6	5	0.033
parallel	Renjin	32	7	1	0.033
parallel	Renjin	32	7	2	0.035
parallel	Renjin	32	7	3	0.034
parallel	Renjin	32	7	4	0.033
parallel	Renjin	32	7	5	0.033
parallel	Renjin	32	8	1	0.175
parallel	Renjin	32	8	2	0.168
parallel	Renjin	32	8	3	0.181
parallel	Renjin	32	8	4	0.183
parallel	Renjin	32	8	5	0.215
operators	Renjin	opt	4	1	0.091
operators	Renjin	opt	4	2	0.026
operators	Renjin	opt	4	3	0.02
operators	Renjin	opt	4	4	0.02
operators	Renjin	opt	4	5	0.016
operators	Renjin	opt	5	1	0.027
operators	Renjin	opt	5	2	0.025
operators	Renjin	opt	5	3	0.019
operators	Renjin	opt	5	4	0.021
operators	Renjin	opt	5	5	0.018
operators	Renjin	opt	6	1	0.134
operators	Renjin	opt	6	2	0.131
operators	Renjin	opt	6	3	0.168
operators	Renjin	opt	6	4	0.16
operators	Renjin	opt	6	5	0.126
operators	Renjin	opt	7	1	1.271
operators	Renjin	opt	7	2	1.205
operators	Renjin	opt	7	3	1.179
operators	Renjin	opt	7	4	1.242
operators	Renjin	opt	7	5	1.195
operators	Renjin	opt	8	1	12.82900000000001
operators	Renjin	opt	8	2	12.05300000000001
operators	Renjin	opt	8	3	12.35000000000001
operators	Renjin	opt	8	4	12.057
operators	Renjin	opt	8	5	12.059
operators	Renjin	noopt	4	1	0.092
operators	Renjin	noopt	4	2	0.044
operators	Renjin	noopt	4	3	0.034
operators	Renjin	noopt	4	4	0.02
operators	Renjin	noopt	4	5	0.015
operators	Renjin	noopt	5	1	0.052
operators	Renjin	noopt	5	2	0.034
operators	Renjin	noopt	5	3	0.032
operators	Renjin	noopt	5	4	0.033
operators	Renjin	noopt	5	5	0.034
operators	Renjin	noopt	6	1	0.282
operators	Renjin	noopt	6	2	0.228
operators	Renjin	noopt	6	3	0.239
operators	Renjin	noopt	6	4	0.219
operators	Renjin	noopt	6	5	0.219
operators	Renjin	noopt	7	1	2.855
operators	Renjin	noopt	7	2	2.163
operators	Renjin	noopt	7	3	2.257
operators	Renjin	noopt	7	4	2.154
operators	Renjin	noopt	7	5	2.157
operators	Renjin	noopt	8	1	27.185
operators	Renjin	noopt	8	2	21.197
operators	Renjin	noopt	8	3	21.54000000000001
operators	Renjin	noopt	8	4	21.19800000000001
operators	Renjin	noopt	8	5	21.24099999999999
operators	GNU R	none	4	1	0.002
operators	GNU R	none	4	2	0.002
operators	GNU R	none	4	3	0.001
operators	GNU R	none	4	4	0.002
operators	GNU R	none	4	5	0.001
operators	GNU R	none	5	1	0.00800000000000001
operators	GNU R	none	5	2	0.00700000000000001
operators	GNU R	none	5	3	0.00799999999999995
operators	GNU R	none	5	4	0.00600000000000001
operators	GNU R	none	5	5	0.00900000000000001
operators	GNU R	none	6	1	0.091
operators	GNU R	none	6	2	0.121
operators	GNU R	none	6	3	0.069
operators	GNU R	none	6	4	0.069
operators	GNU R	none	6	5	0.0780000000000001
operators	GNU R	none	7	1	0.718
operators	GNU R	none	7	2	0.739
operators	GNU R	none	7	3	0.666
operators	GNU R	none	7	4	0.681
operators	GNU R	none	7	5	0.683
operators	GNU R	none	8	1	8.076
operators	GNU R	none	8	2	8.05199999999999
operators	GNU R	none	8	3	7.869
operators	GNU R	none	8	4	7.973
operators	GNU R	none	8	5	8.012
survey	GNU R	laptop	alabama	1	0.143
survey	GNU R	laptop	alabama	2	0.134
survey	GNU R	laptop	alabama	3	0.137
survey	GNU R	laptop	alabama	4	0.135
survey	GNU R	laptop	alabama	5	0.138
survey	GNU R	laptop	california	1	3.661
survey	GNU R	laptop	california	2	3.257
survey	GNU R	laptop	california	3	3.154
survey	GNU R	laptop	california	4	3.199
survey	GNU R	laptop	california	5	3.07
survey	GNU R	laptop	acs3yr	1	52.437
survey	GNU R	laptop	acs3yr	2	40.949
survey	GNU R	laptop	acs3yr	3	41.5140000000001
survey	GNU R	laptop	acs3yr	4	41.3040000000001
survey	GNU R	laptop	acs3yr	5	41.672
survey	sqlsurvey	laptop	alabama	1	0.71
survey	sqlsurvey	laptop	alabama	2	0.606
survey	sqlsurvey	laptop	alabama	3	0.638
survey	sqlsurvey	laptop	alabama	4	0.562
survey	sqlsurvey	laptop	alabama	5	0.532
survey	sqlsurvey	laptop	california	1	11.732
survey	sqlsurvey	laptop	california	2	10.972
survey	sqlsurvey	laptop	california	3	11.439
@@ -394,68 +178,338 @@ recycling	Renjin	noopt	7	2	5.926
recycling	Renjin	noopt	7	3	5.949
recycling	Renjin	noopt	7	4	5.728
recycling	Renjin	noopt	7	5	5.525
recycling	Renjin	noopt	8	1	55.08400000000001
recycling	Renjin	noopt	8	2	71.627
recycling	Renjin	noopt	8	3	71.636
recycling	Renjin	noopt	8	4	69.411
recycling	Renjin	noopt	8	5	62.98200000000003
recycling	Renjin	opt	5	1	0.134
recycling	Renjin	opt	5	2	0.108
recycling	Renjin	opt	5	3	0.084
recycling	Renjin	opt	5	4	0.06
recycling	Renjin	opt	5	5	0.058
recycling	Renjin	opt	6	1	0.208
recycling	Renjin	opt	6	2	0.194
recycling	Renjin	opt	6	3	0.143
recycling	Renjin	opt	6	4	0.128
recycling	Renjin	opt	6	5	0.145
recycling	Renjin	opt	7	1	1.199
recycling	Renjin	opt	7	2	1.33
recycling	Renjin	opt	7	3	1.422
recycling	Renjin	opt	7	4	1.37
recycling	Renjin	opt	7	5	1.285
recycling	Renjin	opt	8	1	11.94
recycling	Renjin	opt	8	2	12.011
recycling	Renjin	opt	8	3	10.974
recycling	Renjin	opt	8	4	11.139
recycling	Renjin	opt	8	5	11.491
recycling	GNU R	none	5	1	0.038
recycling	GNU R	none	5	2	0.038
recycling	GNU R	none	5	3	0.036
recycling	GNU R	none	5	4	0.038
recycling	GNU R	none	5	5	0.036
recycling	GNU R	none	6	1	0.336
recycling	GNU R	none	6	2	0.342
recycling	GNU R	none	6	3	0.34
recycling	GNU R	none	6	4	0.345
recycling	GNU R	none	6	5	0.345
recycling	GNU R	none	7	1	3.214
recycling	GNU R	none	7	2	3.159
recycling	GNU R	none	7	3	3.244
recycling	GNU R	none	7	4	3.222
recycling	GNU R	none	7	5	3.151
recycling	GNU R	none	8	1	38.982
recycling	GNU R	none	8	2	37.532
recycling	GNU R	none	8	3	37.181
recycling	GNU R	none	8	4	32.414
recycling	GNU R	none	8	5	38.118
operators	Renjin	foo	4	1	0.108
operators	Renjin	foo	4	2	0.03
operators	Renjin	foo	4	3	0.02
operators	Renjin	foo	4	4	0.023
operators	Renjin	foo	4	5	0.037
operators	Renjin	foo	5	1	0.039
operators	Renjin	foo	5	2	0.026
operators	Renjin	foo	5	3	0.026
operators	Renjin	foo	5	4	0.027
operators	Renjin	foo	5	5	0.028
operators	Renjin	foo	6	1	0.106
operators	Renjin	foo	6	2	0.098
operators	Renjin	foo	6	3	0.089
operators	Renjin	foo	6	4	0.085
operators	Renjin	foo	6	5	0.093
operators	Renjin	foo	7	1	0.835
operators	Renjin	foo	7	2	0.765
operators	Renjin	foo	7	3	0.747
operators	Renjin	foo	7	4	0.753
operators	Renjin	foo	7	5	0.736
pushdown	Renjin	none	5	1	0.047
pushdown	Renjin	none	5	2	0.002
pushdown	Renjin	none	5	3	0.001
pushdown	Renjin	none	5	4	0.001
pushdown	Renjin	none	5	5	0.001
pushdown	Renjin	none	6	1	0.001
pushdown	Renjin	none	6	2	0.001
pushdown	Renjin	none	6	3	0.001
pushdown	Renjin	none	6	4	0.001
pushdown	Renjin	none	6	5	0.001
pushdown	Renjin	none	7	1	0.001
pushdown	Renjin	none	7	2	0.001
pushdown	Renjin	none	7	3	0.001
pushdown	Renjin	none	7	4	0.001
pushdown	Renjin	none	7	5	0.001
pushdown	Renjin	none	8	1	0.001
pushdown	Renjin	none	8	2	0.001
pushdown	Renjin	none	8	3	0.002
pushdown	Renjin	none	8	4	0.001
pushdown	Renjin	none	8	5	0.001
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operators	Renjin	opt	4	2	0.029
operators	Renjin	opt	4	3	0.025
operators	Renjin	opt	4	4	0.029
operators	Renjin	opt	4	5	0.021
operators	Renjin	opt	5	1	0.037
operators	Renjin	opt	5	2	0.036
operators	Renjin	opt	5	3	0.033
operators	Renjin	opt	5	4	0.033
operators	Renjin	opt	5	5	0.034
operators	Renjin	opt	6	1	0.168
operators	Renjin	opt	6	2	0.158
operators	Renjin	opt	6	3	0.142
operators	Renjin	opt	6	4	0.139
operators	Renjin	opt	6	5	0.135
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operators	Renjin	opt	7	2	1.319
operators	Renjin	opt	7	3	1.346
operators	Renjin	opt	7	4	1.235
operators	Renjin	opt	7	5	1.223
operators	Renjin	opt	8	1	16.262
operators	Renjin	opt	8	2	12.38200000000001
operators	Renjin	opt	8	3	12.36200000000001
operators	Renjin	opt	8	4	12.03700000000001
operators	Renjin	opt	8	5	12.119
operators	Renjin	noopt	4	1	0.085
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operators	Renjin	noopt	4	3	0.021
operators	Renjin	noopt	4	4	0.023
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operators	Renjin	noopt	5	1	0.051
operators	Renjin	noopt	5	2	0.04
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operators	Renjin	noopt	6	2	0.17
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operators	Renjin	noopt	6	5	0.162
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operators	Renjin	noopt	7	5	1.529
operators	Renjin	noopt	8	1	15.893
operators	Renjin	noopt	8	2	15.554
operators	Renjin	noopt	8	3	16.27500000000001
operators	Renjin	noopt	8	4	16.066
operators	Renjin	noopt	8	5	16.66000000000001
identity	Renjin	noopt	5	1	0.062
identity	Renjin	noopt	5	2	0.012
identity	Renjin	noopt	5	3	0.011
identity	Renjin	noopt	5	4	0.011
identity	Renjin	noopt	5	5	0.01
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identity	Renjin	noopt	6	2	0.097
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identity	Renjin	noopt	6	4	0.095
identity	Renjin	noopt	6	5	0.096
identity	Renjin	noopt	7	1	0.957
identity	Renjin	noopt	7	2	0.939
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identity	Renjin	noopt	7	4	0.961
identity	Renjin	noopt	7	5	0.95
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identity	Renjin	noopt	8	2	9.884
identity	Renjin	noopt	8	3	9.159
identity	Renjin	noopt	8	4	9.906
identity	Renjin	noopt	8	5	9.675
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identity	Renjin	opt	5	5	0.003
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identity	Renjin	opt	6	2	0.003
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identity	Renjin	opt	8	3	0.102
identity	Renjin	opt	8	4	0.108
identity	Renjin	opt	8	5	0.119
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parallel	Renjin-laptop	1	6	3	0.021
parallel	Renjin-laptop	1	6	4	0.019
parallel	Renjin-laptop	1	6	5	0.017
parallel	Renjin-laptop	1	7	1	0.104
parallel	Renjin-laptop	1	7	2	0.109
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parallel	Renjin-laptop	1	7	4	0.11
parallel	Renjin-laptop	1	7	5	0.11
parallel	Renjin-laptop	1	8	1	1.411
parallel	Renjin-laptop	1	8	2	1.063
parallel	Renjin-laptop	1	8	3	1.083
parallel	Renjin-laptop	1	8	4	1.46
parallel	Renjin-laptop	1	8	5	1.213
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parallel	Renjin-laptop	2	6	4	0.018
parallel	Renjin-laptop	2	6	5	0.013
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parallel	Renjin-laptop	2	7	2	0.058
parallel	Renjin-laptop	2	7	3	0.064
parallel	Renjin-laptop	2	7	4	0.059
parallel	Renjin-laptop	2	7	5	0.062
parallel	Renjin-laptop	2	8	1	0.5
parallel	Renjin-laptop	2	8	2	0.534
parallel	Renjin-laptop	2	8	3	0.54
parallel	Renjin-laptop	2	8	4	0.558
parallel	Renjin-laptop	2	8	5	0.61799999999999
parallel	Renjin-laptop	4	6	1	0.094
parallel	Renjin-laptop	4	6	2	0.013
parallel	Renjin-laptop	4	6	3	0.015
parallel	Renjin-laptop	4	6	4	0.015
parallel	Renjin-laptop	4	6	5	0.013
parallel	Renjin-laptop	4	7	1	0.049
parallel	Renjin-laptop	4	7	2	0.045
parallel	Renjin-laptop	4	7	3	0.041
parallel	Renjin-laptop	4	7	4	0.042
parallel	Renjin-laptop	4	7	5	0.043
parallel	Renjin-laptop	4	8	1	0.371
parallel	Renjin-laptop	4	8	2	0.369
parallel	Renjin-laptop	4	8	3	0.381
parallel	Renjin-laptop	4	8	4	0.378
parallel	Renjin-laptop	4	8	5	0.389
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parallel	Renjin-laptop	8	6	2	0.023
parallel	Renjin-laptop	8	6	3	0.013
parallel	Renjin-laptop	8	6	4	0.014
parallel	Renjin-laptop	8	6	5	0.011
parallel	Renjin-laptop	8	7	1	0.042
parallel	Renjin-laptop	8	7	2	0.038
parallel	Renjin-laptop	8	7	3	0.044
parallel	Renjin-laptop	8	7	4	0.04
parallel	Renjin-laptop	8	7	5	0.038
parallel	Renjin-laptop	8	8	1	0.351
parallel	Renjin-laptop	8	8	2	0.45
parallel	Renjin-laptop	8	8	3	0.462
parallel	Renjin-laptop	8	8	4	0.363
parallel	Renjin-laptop	8	8	5	0.404
parallel	Renjin-laptop	16	6	1	0.205
parallel	Renjin-laptop	16	6	2	0.015
parallel	Renjin-laptop	16	6	3	0.013
parallel	Renjin-laptop	16	6	4	0.015
parallel	Renjin-laptop	16	6	5	0.012
parallel	Renjin-laptop	16	7	1	0.044
parallel	Renjin-laptop	16	7	2	0.04
parallel	Renjin-laptop	16	7	3	0.044
parallel	Renjin-laptop	16	7	4	0.039
parallel	Renjin-laptop	16	7	5	0.039
parallel	Renjin-laptop	16	8	1	0.352
parallel	Renjin-laptop	16	8	2	0.329
parallel	Renjin-laptop	16	8	3	0.337
parallel	Renjin-laptop	16	8	4	0.32
parallel	Renjin-laptop	16	8	5	0.341
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parallel	Renjin-laptop	32	6	3	0.017
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parallel	Renjin-laptop	32	6	5	0.011
parallel	Renjin-laptop	32	7	1	0.043
parallel	Renjin-laptop	32	7	2	0.044
parallel	Renjin-laptop	32	7	3	0.045
parallel	Renjin-laptop	32	7	4	0.037
parallel	Renjin-laptop	32	7	5	0.042
parallel	Renjin-laptop	32	8	1	0.351
parallel	Renjin-laptop	32	8	2	0.323
parallel	Renjin-laptop	32	8	3	0.322
parallel	Renjin-laptop	32	8	4	0.314
parallel	Renjin-laptop	32	8	5	0.322
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parallel	Renjin-server	1	6	2	0.053
parallel	Renjin-server	1	6	3	0.066
parallel	Renjin-server	1	6	4	0.055
parallel	Renjin-server	1	6	5	0.055
parallel	Renjin-server	1	7	1	0.137
parallel	Renjin-server	1	7	2	0.199
parallel	Renjin-server	1	7	3	0.185
parallel	Renjin-server	1	7	4	0.212
parallel	Renjin-server	1	7	5	0.21
parallel	Renjin-server	1	8	1	1.82199999999999
parallel	Renjin-server	1	8	2	1.706
parallel	Renjin-server	1	8	3	1.313
parallel	Renjin-server	1	8	4	1.27800000000001
parallel	Renjin-server	1	8	5	1.30800000000001
parallel	Renjin-server	2	6	1	0.133
parallel	Renjin-server	2	6	2	0.034
parallel	Renjin-server	2	6	3	0.033
parallel	Renjin-server	2	6	4	0.031
parallel	Renjin-server	2	6	5	0.031
parallel	Renjin-server	2	7	1	0.13
parallel	Renjin-server	2	7	2	0.096
parallel	Renjin-server	2	7	3	0.09
parallel	Renjin-server	2	7	4	0.078
parallel	Renjin-server	2	7	5	0.076
parallel	Renjin-server	2	8	1	0.687
parallel	Renjin-server	2	8	2	0.781
parallel	Renjin-server	2	8	3	0.885
parallel	Renjin-server	2	8	4	0.875
parallel	Renjin-server	2	8	5	0.79
parallel	Renjin-server	4	6	1	0.13
parallel	Renjin-server	4	6	2	0.038
parallel	Renjin-server	4	6	3	0.031
parallel	Renjin-server	4	6	4	0.031
parallel	Renjin-server	4	6	5	0.025
parallel	Renjin-server	4	7	1	0.057
parallel	Renjin-server	4	7	2	0.066
parallel	Renjin-server	4	7	3	0.058
parallel	Renjin-server	4	7	4	0.058
parallel	Renjin-server	4	7	5	0.056
parallel	Renjin-server	4	8	1	0.438
parallel	Renjin-server	4	8	2	0.44900000000001
parallel	Renjin-server	4	8	3	0.416
parallel	Renjin-server	4	8	4	0.404
parallel	Renjin-server	4	8	5	0.50899999999999
parallel	Renjin-server	8	6	1	0.117
parallel	Renjin-server	8	6	2	0.03
parallel	Renjin-server	8	6	3	0.029
parallel	Renjin-server	8	6	4	0.03
parallel	Renjin-server	8	6	5	0.024
parallel	Renjin-server	8	7	1	0.054
parallel	Renjin-server	8	7	2	0.054
parallel	Renjin-server	8	7	3	0.058
parallel	Renjin-server	8	7	4	0.055
parallel	Renjin-server	8	7	5	0.053
parallel	Renjin-server	8	8	1	0.712
parallel	Renjin-server	8	8	2	0.317
parallel	Renjin-server	8	8	3	0.309
parallel	Renjin-server	8	8	4	0.278
parallel	Renjin-server	8	8	5	0.338
parallel	Renjin-server	16	6	1	0.129
parallel	Renjin-server	16	6	2	0.029
parallel	Renjin-server	16	6	3	0.037
parallel	Renjin-server	16	6	4	0.024
parallel	Renjin-server	16	6	5	0.022
parallel	Renjin-server	16	7	1	0.051
parallel	Renjin-server	16	7	2	0.036
parallel	Renjin-server	16	7	3	0.036
parallel	Renjin-server	16	7	4	0.036
parallel	Renjin-server	16	7	5	0.045
parallel	Renjin-server	16	8	1	0.201
parallel	Renjin-server	16	8	2	0.217
parallel	Renjin-server	16	8	3	0.155
parallel	Renjin-server	16	8	4	0.196
parallel	Renjin-server	16	8	5	0.195
parallel	Renjin-server	32	6	1	0.137
parallel	Renjin-server	32	6	2	0.043
parallel	Renjin-server	32	6	3	0.032
parallel	Renjin-server	32	6	4	0.036
parallel	Renjin-server	32	6	5	0.034
parallel	Renjin-server	32	7	1	0.039
parallel	Renjin-server	32	7	2	0.031
parallel	Renjin-server	32	7	3	0.034
parallel	Renjin-server	32	7	4	0.054
parallel	Renjin-server	32	7	5	0.053
parallel	Renjin-server	32	8	1	0.187
parallel	Renjin-server	32	8	2	0.191
parallel	Renjin-server	32	8	3	0.19
parallel	Renjin-server	32	8	4	0.199
parallel	Renjin-server	32	8	5	0.153
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