Changeset - a1222c33f175
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Margreet Nool (greta) - 11 years ago 2014-07-04 15:29:46
Edited file README via RhodeCode
1 file changed with 5 insertions and 4 deletions:
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To create the executable arcos:

- first create library libconfig. 
  libconfig can be downloaded from
  Go to directory libconfig-1.4.9/lib  and give the following command
  libconfig can be downloaded from we already included the package libconfig.
- Go to directory libconfig-1.4.9/lib  and give the following command
  make all

- next, return to the root directory pharcos and give the following command
- next, return to the root directory arcos and give the following command
  make all

Now you have the executable arcos, which needs the input files from
directory input. ./arcos also needs an output directory. The name is given in 
/input/default.cfg by "output_dir". Here we chose directory output. 
/input/default.cfg by "output_dir". Here we choose directory output. 

If output does not exist, create this directory:
make output

In this directory many files for visualization will be written. For more details see the documentation:

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