# This file defines the Makefile variables that are used to compile # the PHARCOS programs and libraries. Edit this file as needed. # The C compiler and compiler options. CC := gcc #CC := pgcc CFLAGS = -g -pg -O3 # CFLAGS = -openmp -D_GNU_SOURCE -O3 -ipo -openmp-report0 #-gcc-version=400 # The Fortran 90 compiler and compiler options. Leave empty to # disable Fortran 90 support. F90 := gfortran -I../lib #F90 := pgf90 -g -pg -I../lib #F90FLAGS = -nofor-main -O3 F90FLAGS = -O3 FFLAGS = -O3 DEBUG_LEVEL := 1 DFLAGS = -DCOMPILING_HOSTNAME=\"$(HOSTNAME)\" -DDEBUG_LEVEL=1 # Search directories for include files and libraries. INCLUDEDIR1 = ../include INCLUDEDIR2 = ../fish90/include INCLUDES = -I $(INCLUDEDIR1) -I $(INCLUDEDIR2) LIBDIRS = INCDIRS = # Command for creating static library. AR = ar -rcsv # Other commands. MV = mv -f