name = "default"; param = ( { type = "string"; name = "prog_id"; comment = "An identification name for this run"; value = "example"; }, { type = "string"; name = "output_dir"; comment = "Output directory"; value = "output"; }, { type = "string"; name = "kin_input"; comment = "Kinetics input file"; value = "input/kinetic_example.cfg"; }, { type = "int"; name = "restart"; comment = "If restart is 1 (TRUE), the simulation will continue with data from a previous run"; value = 0; }, { type = "string"; name = "load_file"; comment = "If restart is TRUE, the name of the file with data from previous run, otherwise empty"; value = ""; }, { type = "double"; name = "output_dt"; comment = "Time interval for output to be written to disk"; value = 0.1; }, { type = "int"; name = "pois_output"; comment = "Output of the Poisson grids, including the potential?"; value = 0; }, { type = "int"; name = "cdr_output_margin"; comment = "Margin outside the grids in the output of the cdr equation"; value = 0; }, { type = "int"; name = "pois_output_margin"; comment = "Margin outside the grids in the output of the poisson equation"; value = 1; }, { type = "double"; name = "warn_min_timestep"; comment = "If the time steps are smaller than this number, the program issues a warning"; value = 1e-06; }, { type = "int"; name = "max_disk_space_mb"; comment = "Maximum disk space, in Mb, to use"; value = 1048576; }, { type = "int"; name = "gridpoints_r"; comment = "Number of R gridpoints at level 0"; value = 600; }, { type = "int"; name = "gridpoints_z"; comment = "Number of Z gridpoints at level 0"; value = 600; }, { type = "int"; name = "max_ntheta"; comment = "Number of azimuthal gridcells and modes"; value = 1; }, { type = "double"; name = "start_t"; comment = "Initial time"; value = 0.0; }, { type = "double"; name = "end_t"; comment = "End time"; value = 0.6; }, { type = "double"; name = "attempt_dt"; comment = "Attempted timestep. The actual timestep may be larger"; value = 50.0; }, { type = "int"; name = "extra_pois_levels"; comment = "Extra levels for the Poisson solver"; value = 2; }, { type = "int"; name = "max_levels"; comment = "Maximum level of refinement. Use a big number here"; value = 64; }, { type = "double"; name = "pois_max_error"; comment = "Error threshold that leads to refinement in the Poisson code."; value = 0.001; }, { type = "int"; name = "pois_max_level"; comment = "Maximum level of refinement in the Poisson equation."; value = 3; }, { type = "int"; name = "extra_photo_levels"; comment = "Extra levels for the photo-ionization solver"; value = -1; }, { type = "int"; name = "photo_max_level"; comment = "Maximum level of refinement in the photo-ionization solver."; value = 4; }, { type = "double"; name = "photo_max_error"; comment = "Error threshold that leads to refinement in the photo-ionization code."; value = 0.01; }, { type = "int"; name = "photo_bnd_right"; comment = "Photo-ionization boundary condition at r = L_r. 1 for Hom. Neumann, -1 for Hom. Dirichlet"; value = -1; }, { type = "int"; name = "photo_bnd_bottom"; comment = "Photo-ionization boundary condition at z = 0. 1 for Hom. Neumann, -1 for Hom. Dirichlet"; value = -1; }, { type = "int"; name = "photo_bnd_top"; comment = "Photo-ionization boundary condition at z = L_z. 1 for Hom. Neumann, -1 for Hom. Dirichlet"; value = -1; }, { type = "int"; name = "extra_photo_levels_2"; comment = "Extra levels for the photo-ionization solver"; value = -1; }, { type = "int"; name = "photo_max_level_2"; comment = "Maximum level of refinement in the photo-ionization solver."; value = 4; }, { type = "double"; name = "photo_max_error_2"; comment = "Error threshold that leads to refinement in the photo-ionization code."; value = 0.01; }, { type = "int"; name = "photo_bnd_right_2"; comment = "Photo-ionization boundary condition at r = L_r. 1 for Hom. Neumann, -1 for Hom. Dirichlet"; value = -1; }, { type = "int"; name = "photo_bnd_bottom_2"; comment = "Photo-ionization boundary condition at z = 0. 1 for Hom. Neumann, -1 for Hom. Dirichlet"; value = -1; }, { type = "int"; name = "photo_bnd_top_2"; comment = "Photo-ionization boundary condition at z = L_z. 1 for Hom. Neumann, -1 for Hom. Dirichlet"; value = -1; }, { type = "int"; name = "cdr_bnd_bottom"; comment = "Particles boundary condition at z = 0. 1 for Hom. Neumann, -1 for Hom. Dirichlet"; value = 1; }, { type = "int"; name = "cdr_bnd_top"; comment = "Particles boundary condition at z = L_z. 1 for Hom. Neumann, -1 for Hom. Dirichlet"; value = 1; }, { type = "int"; name = "cdr_bnd_right"; comment = "Particles boundary condition at r = L_r. 1 for Hom. Neumann, -1 for Hom. Dirichlet"; value = 1; }, { type = "int"; name = "pois_bnd_right"; comment = "Potential boundary condition at r = L_r. 1 for Hom. Neumann, -1 for Hom. Dirichlet"; value = -1; }, { type = "int"; name = "pois_bnd_bottom"; comment = "Potential boundary condition at z = 0. 1 for Hom. Neumann, -1 for Hom. Dirichlet"; value = -1; }, { type = "int"; name = "pois_bnd_top"; comment = "Potential boundary condition at z = L_z. 1 for Hom. Neumann, -1 for Hom. Dirichlet"; value = -1; }, { type = "double"; name = "nu_a"; comment = "Maximum advection Courant number"; value = 0.2; }, { type = "double"; name = "nu_d"; comment = "Maximum diffusion Courant number"; value = 0.2; }, { type = "double"; name = "nu_rt"; comment = "Maximum ratio of dt/relaxation time"; value = 0.2; }, { type = "double"; name = "nu_f"; comment = "Maximum ratio of change of the densities (set to a very large number to ignore)"; value = 1e+20; }, { type = "double"; name = "ref_threshold_eabs"; comment = "Refinement threshold for the electric field"; value = 0.2; }, { type = "int"; name = "ref_level_eabs"; comment = "Maximum refinement level reached through ref_threshold_eabs"; value = 4; }, { type = "double"; name = "ref_threshold_charge"; comment = "Refinement threshold for the curvature of the charge"; value = 0.004; }, { type = "double"; name = "ref_threshold_dens"; comment = "Refinement threshold for the curvature of the densities"; value = 0.004; }, { type = "double"; name = "ref_threshold_edge"; comment = "Refinement threshold for the densities in the leading edge"; value = 10000.0; }, { type = "int"; name = "cdr_brick_dr"; comment = "r-length of the minimal refinement area in the cdr equation"; value = 8; }, { type = "int"; name = "cdr_brick_dz"; comment = "z-length of the minimal refinement area in the cdr equation"; value = 8; }, { type = "int"; name = "cdr_max_level"; comment = "Maximum level of refinement in the Fluid equation."; value = 3; }, { type = "int"; name = "cdr_interp_in"; comment = "Interpolation method for the grid interior (0=zero_masses, 1=quadratic_masses [default], 2=wackers_masses, 3=quadlog"; value = 1; }, { type = "int"; name = "cdr_interp_bnd"; comment = "Interpolation method for the grid boundaries (0=zero_masses, 1=quadratic_masses [default], 2=wackers_masses, 3=quadlog"; value = 1; }, { type = "double"; name = "L_r"; comment = "Length in r of the complete domain"; value = 13044.0; }, { type = "double"; name = "L_z"; comment = "Length in z of the complete domain"; value = 13044.0; }, { type = "double"; name = "diffusion_coeff"; comment = "Isotropic difussion coefficient"; value = 0.1; }, { type = "int"; name = "has_photoionization"; comment = "Whether the code includes photoionization or not"; value = 1; }, { type = "string"; name = "photoionization_file"; comment = "The name of a file from which we can read the photoionization parameters"; value = "input/"; }, { type = "double"; name = "attachment_rate"; comment = "Rate of dissociative attachment"; value = 0.0; }, { type = "double"; name = "attachment_E0"; comment = "E0 in the exp(-E0/E) factor in the attachment expression."; value = 0.0; }, { type = "double"; name = "E0_x"; comment = "x component of the external electric field"; value = 0.0; }, { type = "double"; name = "E0_y"; comment = "y component of the external electric field"; value = 0.0; }, { type = "double"; name = "E0_z"; comment = "z component of the external electric field"; value = -0.06; }, { type = "double"; name = "rise_time"; comment = "Rise time of the electric field (0 for instantaneous rise)"; value = 0.0; }, { type = "double"; name = "off_time"; comment = "Time to switch off the electric field (0.0 means never)"; value = 0.0; }, { type = "double"; name = "seed_sigma_x"; comment = "x width of the initial seed"; value = 0.0; }, { type = "double"; name = "seed_sigma_y"; comment = "y width of the initial seed"; value = 0.0; }, { type = "double"; name = "seed_sigma_z"; comment = "z width of the initial seed"; value = 0.0; }, { type = "double"; name = "seed_N"; comment = "Number of electrons in the initial seed"; value = 0.0; }, { type = "double"; name = "background_ionization"; comment = "Initial at z=0 densities of electrons and ions"; value = 0.0; }, { type = "double"; name = "background_increase_length"; comment = "Length of exponential increase of the pre-ionization (for atmospherical models)"; value = 0.0; }, { type = "int"; name = "pois_inhom"; comment = "Use the point-plane geometry?"; value = 1; }, { type = "int"; name = "pois_inhom_reflections"; comment = "Number of mirror charges to use"; value = 4; }, { type = "double"; name = "needle_length"; comment = "Length of the needle"; value = 2500.0; }, { type = "double"; name = "needle_radius"; comment = "Radius of the needle"; value = 400.0; }, { type = "double"; name = "pois_inhom_fixed_q"; comment = "If nonzero, the charge is fixed, not floating (simulation of charged clouds close to the earth surface)"; value = 0.0; }, { type = "double"; name = "constant_source"; comment = "Constant ionization rate"; value = 0.0; }, { type = "double"; name = "perturb_epsilon"; comment = "Initial perturbation to the axisymmetric configuration"; value = 0.0; }, { type = "int"; name = "perturb_max_k"; comment = "Perturb only modes up to perturb_max_k (large number to perturb all)"; value = 1024; }, { type = "int"; name = "sprite_module"; comment = "1 if the sprite module is activated, 0 otherwise"; value = 0; }, { type = "double"; name = "dens_decay_len"; comment = "Lenght of exponential decay of the density w/r to altitude"; value = 0.0; }, { type = "double"; name = "sprite_dens_0"; comment = "Density at z = 0"; value = 0.0; }, { type = "double"; name = "sprite_dens_q"; comment = "Quenching density"; value = 0.0; }, { type = "int"; name = "sprite_sign"; comment = "Sign of the sprite head that we are following (the other will not be reliable"; value = -1; } );