/** @file mapper.h
* @brief Definitions for mapper objects.
* A mapper objects defines how and what to map between two grid families.
* For example, a mapper object can be used to map the charge from
* a @a cdr grid to a @a Poisson grid, or to map the @a potential of a Poisson
* grid into one of the components of the @a electric field in a @a cdr grid.
* For that, a mapper object has to implement some methods that tell us
* how to map things in the cases\n
* a) the source grid is coarser than the target grid (interpolation),\n
* b) the source and the target are at the same level (copy),\n
* c) the target grid is coarser (coarsening).
#ifndef _MAPPER_H_
typedef struct mapper_t mapper_t;
#ifndef _INTERPOL2_H_
# include "interpol2.h"
#define _coarsen_params_ (mapper_t *mapper, grid_t *source, grid_t *target, \
int ir, int iz, int itheta)
#define _copy_params_ (mapper_t *mapper, grid_t *source, grid_t *target, \
int ir, int iz, int itheta)
#define _interpol_set_params_ (mapper_t *mapper, grid_t *source, \
interpol_t *interpol, int ir, \
int iz, int itheta)
#define _interpol_params_ (mapper_t *mapper, grid_t *source, grid_t *target, \
interpol_t *interpol, int ir, int iz, int itheta)
struct mapper_t {
interpol_method_t *interpol_method;
void (*coarsen) _coarsen_params_;
void (*copy) _copy_params_;
/* may return false if we are outside the source grid. */
int (*interpol_set) _interpol_set_params_;
void (*interpol) _interpol_params_;
/* This is used for the interpolation of electric fields and indicates
* the staggering of the cells. When we call the interpolator to set
* the stencil at coordinates pr, pz, the fine-grid cells whose value will
* later be calculated ir, iz with
* pr << level_diff + shift_r << (level_diff - 1) <= ir
* < pr << level_diff + shift_r << (level_diff - 1)
* (and the equivalent for iz).
* Hence note that for interpolation in not-staggered grids,
* (i.e. charge, densities, ...)
* shift_r = shift_z = 0.
int shift_r, shift_z;
/* We provide this extra member to allow the easy creation of different
* mappers that share the same functions but have a slightly different
* behaviour. In particular this is used in cdr.c to define
* different interpolators for each species. In that case, extra is the
* species index.
int extra;
/** Usually, we will define functions called xxxx_coarsen, xxxx_copy, etc
to implement the above interface. We define these macros to facilitate
the declaration of such functions. */
#define decl_mapper_funcs(_VAR) \
void _VAR ## _coarsen _coarsen_params_; \
void _VAR ## _copy _copy_params_; \
int _VAR ## _interpol_set _interpol_set_params_; \
void _VAR ## _interpol _interpol_params_
/** Useful to init a staggered mapper object */
#define mk_mapper_staggered(_C, _INTERPOL_METHOD, _SHIFT_R, _SHIFT_Z) \
{_INTERPOL_METHOD, _C ## _coarsen, _C ## _copy, \
_C ## _interpol_set, _C ##_interpol, _SHIFT_R, _SHIFT_Z, 0}
/** Useful to init a mapper object */
#define mk_mapper(_C, _INTERPOL_METHOD) \
mk_mapper_staggered (_C, _INTERPOL_METHOD, 0, 0)
/** Mappers that only copy or interpolate. */
#define mk_mapper_down(_C, _INTERPOL_METHOD) \
{_INTERPOL_METHOD, NULL, _C ## _copy, \
_C ## _interpol_set, _C ##_interpol, 0, 0, 0}
#define _MAPPER_H_